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Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

Writer's picture: Century Digital MarketingCentury Digital Marketing

The trends in Digital Marketing for 2021 have been affected by the covid-19 crisis that we are still assimilating. The strategies, which change every year depending on the consumer's habits, are the ones that draw the path that we must follow for the remaining three hundred and sixty-five days if we want to keep up.

Changes in Google, now that online marketing is present in most business sectors, has a constant representation when we talk about searches, customs and user response to the consumption or purchase of a product. That said, if we have an online store, a portal that talks about news or a corporate website, we must be up to date with the changes that affect the digital field and forms of consumption, both in terms of content and products.

Digital Marketing trends to expect on 2021

Although the list of Digital Marketing trends for the coming months was made at the beginning of this year, the presence of the coronavirus has made many businesses value the way they were working on the internet and if these actions were adapted to the new circumstances.

Online conferences, digitization of all kinds of activities or virtual classes are some of the alternatives that have appeared after a blow that has affected everyone's lives. These changes are what we must take into account if we want to succeed in the online arena. Here are some recommendations:

  • Content that adds value

The content that is generated for the user has always acted as the engine of our company in the digital field. Internet searches, if they were already important, for many have become the sole basis during the months of confinement. Under this premise it is necessary to define precise strategic lines of content marketing for our business. The contents must add more and more value to the user who consumes it and offer useful information: how? Where? What? or why? They will always be the questions to assess whether the content is relevant and achieves the objective for which it was created.

  • Social Media Advertising

Social apps, almost all with Facebook in the lead, are a conversion magnet when we link to our ecommerce products or blog that offers certain information. With an algorithm independent of Google, you can take it as a very interesting second way of promotion or as channels to maintain a two-way relationship with your potential customers and / or attract new users through lead magnets adapted to the target of our business.

  • Instant Messaging

WhatsApp is the most widely used communication application in the world. Its implementation in our business is a way to ensure more customers or ways to reach them. With everything in our favor, orders will be immediate and the customer will generally be more satisfied.

  • User as a content generator

Content continues to be one of the trends in Digital Marketing for 2021. Informing the customer about what they are going to consume is always a wise move, but what if users were talking about what they like? Know these users as Generation Z, we are faced with a new form of communication that will be on the market for many years.

  • Personalized Advertisements

An advertisement related to the user's tastes is the one that works best. Content personalization has been a resource that has been used for some years now and, although it has encountered the privacy brake, its results are quite positive. Improving ROI thanks to the impact it exerts on the visitor, ensures the increase in conversions by a remarkable percentage.

  • Mindful Marketing

When talking about new options for promoting our company, we must pay special attention to mindful marketing. With caring for the planet as a foundation, firms must take into account sustainable consumption and what they can do for a better world for the future to come.

The sustainability or protection of social rights stand as the main concerns that we must all have before a planet that is suffering the consequences of pollution, abuse and overexploitation of resources. A company that is committed to sustainable production has a long way to go in the following years.

Mindful marketing responds to a much more humanized promotion where the ego of the leading entrepreneur must be put aside. The client, who has always wanted to be taken into account above all else, will see in this new trend not only your interest in their satisfaction but also that irresistible concern for the environment.

Which of the digital marketing trends expected for 2021 do I need in my company?

There is no one size fits all solution. Aware that we cannot fully work on them, the trends in Digital Marketing for 2020 depend on a multitude of factors that we must take into account. Here are some recommendations:

Product / Service

The product we sell is the foundation of our business. Through the product and / or service we offer, the tools to analyze the actions of the competition plus detailed knowledge of the target audience we are targeting, we value the marketing strategy that we must apply. It is necessary to reflect on the time to spend in each one of them and on the advertising model that will be most effective. With all the tests oriented to the sale, with a professional study of the brand everything will be more successful.

Information your potential customer needs

Multimedia content is the key for the user to stay longer on our website. This, which is valued in the amount of conversion possibilities there are, is a resource that we must take into account but always with connection and oriented to the product we are trying to sell.

Tik Tok, the famous short video app, has saved a lot of people from boredom during confinement and is now a hit, but is it worth it as a marketing resource in relation to your product? With this example we want to make you see that not because something is a trend to you will help your business.


Not all products have the same margin in different countries. If what you sell is destined for a specific place, you must assess which of the trends in Digital Marketing for 2021 is the one that best suits your needs. Only in this way will you be able to double the sales of what was left in your bedroom in these months of confinement and uncertainty.

Although the Internet is the best way to globalize any content, there are some that only work for certain countries. If what we sell is successful in Mexico, even when the presentation is worldwide, we must focus on who lives there, what are the characteristics of the consumers and what they are looking for from us.

Seasonal or Limited Edition Items

Not all the articles that you have in your ecommerce, for example, come to say that they will stay in the catalog forever. The limited edition or launch promotion is an alternative that companies offer when they are not very convinced if this new change in the attributes of the product is going to work. The consumer, who is the one who has the last word, will have a few days to try it and give his approval on it.

Any business, and even more so the projects that are starting in their business adventure, have to do a series of studies on how the consumer responds to the new thing they have done. In fast food restaurants for example, promotions do not stop appearing even when the firm is already consolidated and does not need an audience for everyone to talk about it.

Meeting the trends in Digital Marketing for 2021 is nothing more than investing in the future benefit of our company. If every year the ways of promoting a product vary taking a step forward, in the era of covid-19 this has multiplied several times more. Apart from mindful marketing, choosing the form of advertising that best suits us for our products is an art to which we must dedicate time, care and a lot of effort to make it work. If you are interested in a meeting to discuss your business’ digital marketing strategy let us know! We are here to help!

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