For any online business, small, medium or large, traffic is everything or almost everything. It happens that without traffic there are no conversions and as a result, there are no sales. It is like having a place open 24 hours a day and that not a single person enters the shop. Is it possible to sell if nobody enters the business? Impossible! As it is also impossible to sell without getting web traffic. What do big brands do? They pay for web traffic through campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. This is just one strategy. There are many others that do not require money.
We are talking about organic traffic, the one that arrives because you knew the product or service through techniques that are not paid. It is a traffic with more purchase motivation. Let's see what are the best strategies to increase traffic to your website without spending money!
Search Engine Optimization
It is not a surprise that SEO helps increase traffic. However, many do not yet consider applying SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) or SEM (Search Engine Marketing) strategies in their digital planning because it requires considerable effort. Some specialists advise implementing both strategies. With SEO you get longer term results and do not have to pay for it. On the other hand, Search Engine Marketing refers more specifically to advertising on Google, so the results are short-term. The recommendation is: learn SEO through online tutorials or hire a person who knows what you are doing.
Instagram Traffic
This is one of the easiest options to reach. For what reason? First, because the organic reach on Facebook has decreased considerably. To be seen, you have to pay. Except that in terms of content you can make a more than interesting proposal or generate, for the most part, audiovisual material.
Second, because Instagram is growing rapidly. It has an excellent reach and the posts are very visual. This does not mean that the content you are going to publish has to be improvised. NO. There has to be a specific strategy and you have to really know what you are doing for Instagram to work. Image is everything on Instagram.
But once you give your brand a visual identity and get good results in terms of engagement, Instagram is an excellent way to get web traffic. Your profile should include the address of your site and when you post, you have to be able to add a “call to action” for people to go to your site. In addition, it is recommended to use relevant hashtags and interact with your followers or with other brands in the sector.
Facebook Groups
In the latest Facebook news, the groups have had the leading role. They have been considered as the key to creating a community. And building a community is Facebook's new mission. With new analytical tools, groups are becoming places of conversation and exchange between people with the same interests. Great opportunity for brands!
In relation to traffic, you can not only create your own group, but also be a member of those popular groups within your market. Don't abuse the resource of commenting on your brand. Only do it or direct people to your site when what you contribute is of value to the group conversation. Perhaps many of these prospects will later become clients.
Email Marketing
If you're not implementing an email marketing strategy, you're letting all the missing traffic go green. Without a doubt, it is one of the best methods to get web traffic. You might think email marketing has been around for so long it may become obsolete anytime soon. But in reality, it is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience and direct traffic to your website, because the audience on your email database are interested in your brand already. You don't have to convince them to look at you! They have already decided that they are interested in your brand or product when they signed up for your newsletter.
YouTube Marketing
Given YouTube's reach, it's easy to think that it can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. However, there are not many who dare to create videos of their brand on YouTube. It is not that easy. To do this, you need to write scripts and be very strategic with what you have to say. It all depends on the brand and the products or services you are promoting. The recommendation is to create instructional videos that really add value to the audience. And like almost any digital strategy, it takes time and effort. But it's worth it if it's successful.
Content Marketing
Once you have defined a content strategy for what you want to communicate to your audience, you have to think about how to distribute it in such a way that it occupies the least time possible and reaches the largest number of people. Organic reach improves if you post frequently on social media. And the greater the number of people who see you, the more chance of improving traffic. Remember that content marketing has to be as clear and straightforward as possible to get the message across to your target market.
Optimize your Site for Mobile Users
We don’t think we can emphasize this enough. But it is so important that it cannot be overlooked either. The future of Social Media is projected on a small screen. If the website is not well optimized for mobile, you will be losing a lot of traffic.
Create a Blog
Finally, it is necessary to give the relevance it deserves to having a blog to get web traffic. If you don't have one, get down to business and don't think it's easy. It takes a lot of effort, but again it is necessary to say that if your content adds value, the strategy is widely effective in increasing visits to your website.
There are other strategies to increase web traffic, but we have chosen the ones that we consider more practical to implement and with better results. If you haven't tried any of them we encourage you to do so! If you would like to discuss these strategies we are happy to help you out. Century Digital Marketing will work with you to create digital marketing strategies to reach your goals.