A slogan is the phrase that accompanies your brand and tries to convey to your (potential) client the value of your product and the benefit it offers. In some cases it is purely descriptive while in others it tries to arouse a feeling. One good example is "because you're worth it" from L'OREAL.
Ideally, the slogan is a short text, of no more than seven words, and should communicate not so much about the characteristics of the product, but rather the benefit that it brings for our consumer or client. The slogans that work best, like everything else, are those that focus on the user.
The term tends to be immediately associated with advertising as a product slogan, but it is necessary to note that it can be used in various fields, be it school, work, to promote various events, among others.
Another point that should be mentioned is that the term is a rule in advertising, because in reality, there are some brands that do not have a specific slogan, an example of this is Starbucks.
Basically the purpose of this term is that people feel attracted to certain and certain products or services, placing great emphasis on their characteristics or linking them to some representative value.
The people in charge of creating the slogans always use mnemonics, which is a mental procedure that helps to facilitate the memory of something, for example some of the resources used are: puns, rhymes, sequences of figures, etc.
The slogan encompasses the complete identity of the brand in really short sentences, which is why it is so relevant from the process of its preparation to the communication strategy in the company and to the public.
Characteristics of slogans
In general, slogans are usually short and easy to understand, although their creation is not something that is so easy to do, on the contrary, considering that the phrase or slogan that is created is going to represent the brand or service of some product indefinitely, it is necessary to study many factors in order to find the perfect slogan.
Its main characteristic is that it is easy to remember, that it has a totally catchy phrase and that it achieves that people can associate it with the brand that they are advertising.
It has to be something different, original, that highlights the qualities of the product that is being offered.
It must also transmit all kinds of positive feelings, so that the connection is spontaneous, positive and bonding between the product and the customer.
It has to be quite brief, because with concrete and precise words the message is transmitted and its publication or impact on people increases.
It must be exclusive, that is, no other brand can have the same phrase, that is why originality is required.
It is necessary that the phrases be versatile so that they are consistent with the context of the brand and reach not only the national territory, but also different countries.
In international campaigns, phrases must be very careful due to jargon.
It is important to highlight the existence of advertisements that have a double slogan, that is, those that are published in audiovisual media.
The slogan can be divided into image and text. There are advertisements with slogans of double text and a single image or simply some that only show one type of sponsorship. Most companies run this technique to enhance the impact of the product.
Recommendations to create a good slogan
Here are a series of tips to keep in mind when creating a successful slogan:
It must first be simple so that it can be included in everyday conversations.
It is advisable to start with a verb, it must be complemented with the name of the company, where its trajectory, its objectives, etc. are reflected.
The slogan should not be more than 7 words.
If you are thinking of creating a slogan, analyze your market and see what your competition talks about in order to differentiate yourself, ask your client what they value most about your service and look for those 4-6 words that best summarize it.