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Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Use Twitter

How can Twitter help small businesses?

With more than 300 million active users, Twitter is an excellent platform for small businesses to reach new audiences and get connected with them. Twitter is growing rapidly, it provides a great chance for small businesses to look for new audiences and potential customers. Also, Twitter offers the opportunity to connect with current customers, increasing loyalty to the brand. For a company, its beneficial because they can get an insight of customers’ expectations, problems with the product or service, common questions and experiences overall. As a small business owner, one of your priorities in marketing should be to build brand awareness. 

Twitter allows you to connect with potential customers. Also, Twitter can help you to understand what people are talking about your brand online. In some cases, you could come across negative comments from customers and we recommend that you resolve it quickly and get in touch with the customer as soon as you see the Tweet. In fact, you could use people’s comments on Twitter to discover your customer’s expectations, and thoughts about your products. This information would help you develop a better social media strategy and it would also provide an opinion on the improvements you could make to your products or services.

Here are the reasons why we believe small businesses should use Twitter:

  • Twitter is one of the best platforms for customer support

Because Twitter conversations happen in real time, it allows your customer support representative or customer service team to be very efficient in answering to customers. They can prioritize which questions to answer first, and customers with the same questions can see the response unlike chats that are personal responses only.

  • Twitter is open

One of the advantages of using Twitter is that it promotes open conversation. This is beneficial to you as a small business owner because it can help you find conversations that your potential customers have with your competitors. Every conversation that your audience has with their followers is open. With this advantage you can find the problems your customers have and then solve them. Remember that potential customers will see how you interact with your customers. This can influence their decision to buy your product or service. 

  • It drives traffic to your website

Twitter gives you the opportunity to add links to your bio and posts. You can continuously share links to your blogs which will drive people to your website. If you continue to create engaging content people will share it and you will position yourself as a credible source. This will increase the engagement with the brand and ultimately your audience will become loyal customers.

  • It provides two-way communication

Just like most social networks, Twitter provides a two-way communication with your followers. This presents an excellent opportunity for small businesses to do different things such as running promotional campaigns, opinion polls, share educational content, and share about your company culture. Posting this kind of content will promote participation from your followers. It's necessary to experiment with different types of content to see what gets you the most response from your audience. This way you will have a better idea on how your audience thinks. 

Don’t forget to have a digital marketing strategy in place before you start posting on Twitter. Even though Twitter is the most spontaneous social media platform, it’s important to think about the content you will share and the conversation it can develop. You definitely don’t want to get caught in a sensible content conversation or offend someone because instead of creating a good reputation for your brand you could end up hurting it. Century Digital Marketing can help you with your Twitter strategy, just ask us how to start!

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